Investigation of speed and temperature effects in mechanical nano-patterning of GaAs via molecular dynamics simulation
- 第一作者:
- 张一
- 通讯作者:
- 孙吉宁,Luo, Xichun,张磊,肖乾浩,韩云龙,张文博
- 合写作者:
- 肖乾浩,韩云龙,张文博
- 发表时间:
- 2024-06-15
- 发表刊物:
- Materials Today Communications
- 文献类型:
- J
- 卷号:
- 40
- ISSN号:
- 2352-4928
- 关键字:
- Deformation behavior; Dynamics simulation; Gallium arsenide; III-V semiconductors; Maximum forces; Mechanical; Nano-imprinting; Nano pattern; NanoPatterning; Patterning process; Piles; Pile-ups; Pressung; Residual stresses; Semiconducting gallium; Temperature
- 是否译文:
- 否